Just a Few Inspirations

Living Room

The social centre of the home where families and friends gather to relax, talk, listen to music or watch TV. Read on to find out how to change your living room into a welcoming space for all

There are many ideas and suggestions about how best to organize your living room space. As well as the mainstay items such as a TV set, sofa, display cabinet or bookshelf and coffee table, you could also introduce a wardrobe or a chest of drawers. A dominating element in such a space can have a striking effect especially if it of a bespoke design and is visually attractive. It can be matched with a chest of drawers, a TV display set and small tables in a similar style. It is not necessary for a wardrobe to occupy the whole wall area. It can be complemented by matching bookcases or shelves which will additionally give a feeling of lightness and cohesion to the whole structure.

If a wardrobe in your living room is not for you, we offer bookcases designed in a special column system. If you are looking for openwork creation or you want to design a clear partition between walls, you can opt for our column system that fits to the ceiling. To make the structure even more attractive you can add in glass or board panel shelves.